Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tanka Bars: Buffalo…the ‘other’ red meat

August 5, 2009 -

Have you ever eaten buffalo? Until this week, I had not.

*Tanka is graciously giving away one box of traditional bars ($30.99 value with shipping included). Comment below for one entry. A winner will be selected in 1-2 weeks using

Thanks to another twitter hook-up, Linda and I met through the wonderful world of tweets. She mailed me a few samples but they did not arrive. Evidently there is a high rate of ‘disappearance’ of food related shipments. This disappoints me as postal workers are held to a code of ethics stating ‘no tampering with mail.’

Kindly, at her own expense, Linda shipped a second batch of samples to me.

When I was told “Tanka Bar products” were coming my way, I did assume that meant power bars. When I opened the package I exclaimed, “Oh! It’s like beef jerky! Only it looks to be much…much…MUCH healthier.”

My husband, knowing I am not a super adventurous eater, said: “You do know you are eating buffalo, right?”

My jaw dropped. Ummm. No. I opened and ate before even reading THAT part.

My two-year-old daughter ran in and said, “Mommy! I have a bite? Please? Please? Please?” I gave her a bite sized piece. She came back three minutes later. “More please. Tastes good.” She came back for a third round.

Fine. If my two-year-old can eat buffalo, so can I, dang it.

I’ve gotten over my initial shock…envisioning the native and revered buffalo roaming the land - only to be turned into snack packs. Goodness knows what junk lies within the innards of a 711 Slim Jim and I’ve eaten THAT more than once. Not sure I can go back now.

My husband tasted the spicy Tanka Bites (I am too wimpy to eat spicy food so I tested the mild bites, of course).

The Tanka Bars and Bites are both thick and are made with two main ingredients: low-fat, high-energy American buffalo meat and cranberries. What’s more, their production supports Native American wellness traditions.

S0 - bring on the buffalo.

From the Tanka web site we read: The 70-calorie Tanka Bar delivers a slow, powerful protein punch by mixing two primary ingredients: low-fat, high-energy American buffalo meat and tasty cranberries. This combination is no accident.

It really is a great combination. The bars and bites are both terrific - my husband and I really enjoyed them (as did our ten your old son who tried the bites last night). Try it for yourself! Tanka products can be purchased online or at a number of brick and mortar locations around the country.

When ordering online you may also enter code MOMMYPERKS at checkout to save 10% off any regularly priced merchandise: through September 30th.

And…don’t forget to enter for your very own box of traditional Tanka Bars by commenting below. Never again will you be able to down a Slim Jim.

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Intern, Jason Stover.

Jason's responsibilities include updating social network websites, including MySpace and Twitter, as well as writing, photography and production for Tanka sites.
Personal: Single and with two younger brothers, Jason plans to finish a degree in Native American Studies at Oglala Lakota College.
Free time: During his free time, Jason likes movies, pool, darts, bowling and paint ball. He also likes to lift weights, fish and play video games.